Coming Soon!
Weeping Boughs Don’t Break, a family drama similar in style to Type and Cross.
Via one early reader:
A strong story and a wonderful look at relationships. Bravo!
Visit often for release information.
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I’m a multi-genre author, and often times I combine more than one in the same book or series. For example, some family dramas have a little romance, some romances are also mysteries, and some mysteries offer thriller elements.
There are a few constants across all my work. No matter the title, you’ll find character-driven fiction, engaging plots, and atmospheric settings. Please explore the site for more information about me or my work. You can find a synopsis of all my titles on the titles page or navigate to the book pages via the menus in the footer, where you can search by work or by genre.
I strive to make every title relatable and engaging, and I hope you give one or more a try. Grazie!
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