Welcome to my website! I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m a lover of many different genres, so you’ll see I’ve dabbled all across the board. If you like family drama, suspense, romance, paranormal, western, or even a little humor, I have something to offer you.

I, along with all the other ladies of Story Empire, have come together to create a series written in a shared world. We invite you to journey with us through the generations, following the Hawthorne family and their property atop the fictional Harbor Pointe cliffs in Northern California.

The Harbor Pointe Series

These stories share many commonalities, but they are all stand-alone novellas. You’ll find they span various genres, and they also include references to the other tales. You don’t have to read them in order, though you may find more Easter eggs if you do. My story, A Fathomless Affair, is the sixth in series and goes live on December 5, 2023, but all eight stories are available for preorder today. For more information, click here.

I’m currently working on a few projects. One is a supernatural thriller duology. The first book is done, the second is outlined. I hope to release both within a few months of each other in 2024. A second project is a global thriller that I’m about a third of the way through. The third project is just in beginning stages. Time will tell how it works out. I’ll certainly keep you posted.

My catalog is pretty varied. I like to say I have something for everyone. That’s hyperbole, of course, but it does have broad appeal. Here’s a sample:

I’ve got novellas, a series of vignettes, and lots more coming, too.

  • For more details of my full catalog, click on “My Work” here or in the menu.
  • To stay abreast of news, subscribe to my newsletter
  • The newsletter is the best place to keep in touch, as I’m almost never on social media, and I’ve had to cut back on weekly posts, but occasionally I will have an update on my blog, which you can subscribe to here.

Thanks for visiting! Please take a moment to look around. And if you have any questions, just let me know. Hopefully I’ll see you in the comments section of my blog. Here are a few of my most recent posts for your consideration:

  • Ciao, amici! I’ve got D.L. Finn back today to talk about her latest work, Sounds in the Silence. I know how much effort she put into this one, and I’m so happy to host her as she introduces it to the world during her tour. Please join me in giving Denise a warm welcome. Thank […]
  • Ciao, amici! Just wanted to take a second to ask you if you’ve followed me yet on BookBub? Yes? Thanks so much! No, but you’ve been meaning to? I’ve got a great opportunity for you. I’m part of a fabulous promo. If you like paranormal, fantasy, or sci-fi romances, you can enter to win a […]
  • Ciao, amici! Today is a real treat for me because I get to host a first-timer here at the blog. I’m happy to introduce Darlene Foster. Many of you may already know her, but for those who don’t, Darlene is the author of a middle-grade mystery series starring a spunky twelve-year-old amateur detective, Amanda Ross. […]
  • Ciao, amici. If you follow this blog diligently, back in January you saw an announcement for the creation of a new site: Pastore Publishing. For those of you who missed it, don’t remember, and/or don’t want to click the link right now, the TL;DR version is Mae Clair, Joan Hall, and I started a new […]