If matters of the heart are what matters to you, look no further. I’ve got romances of all spice levels to appeal to those who like sweet, those who like heat, and a range in between. Click the covers for more details.
Series (Sweet)

This first-in-series addresses what happens when a down-on-her-luck girl is forced to return home. When she has a second chance at her first love, she thinks the tides are turning in her favor. But maybe what—or who—she really wanted was right there all along.

This second-in-series is a comedy of errors. Mistaken identities could result in a successful personal and professional partnership… but if not discovered in time, it could cost them everything.

This third-in-series follows a man nursing relationship wounds and a woman who’s afraid of commitment. Neither is looking for love but both find it. The question is whether they’ll be willing to take the chance.
Standalone Novellas (Clean)

A paranormal romantic suspense novel where life and death and “ever after” take on a whole new meaning.

A dozen “will-they/won’t they” clean romance vignettes, one month at a time over the course of a year.
Series (Spicy)

Book one follows Franki Notaro, eldest of four sisters who are the last descendants of the Medici, and the warrior sworn to protect her from the evil faction determined to use them for their means or eradicate them.

Book two follows Jo, the Notaro sister who’s most afraid of love, and her warrior, who’s every bit as damaged as she is.

Book three follows Donni Notaro, the firstborn twin who wears her heart on her sleeve, and her warrior, who’s half-brains, half-brawn, and one hundred percent what Toni wants in a relationship. She just has to convince him to take the chance on them.

Book four ends the saga with Toni Notaro, the younger twin. Her low self-esteem makes her try to hide from the world, but her warrior sees her and only her. The only thing he wants more than her is to keep her and her sisters safe, but the danger’s never been higher.