I’m grateful and humbled to announce that a blogger I follow has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. P. C. Zick (P.C. Zick in the Writing Life) is an author I met through Facebook, and she lives near my old hometown. She shares similar interests as me, and I enjoy reading her thoughts and following her work. I’m inspired by her efforts.
Here are the requirements for this award:
- Display the award logo on your blog.
- Link back to the person who nominated you.
- State 7 things about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
- Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
Seven things about myself
- I’ve never had a cavity.
- I can do a split.
- I am the only child in my family with brown hair and brown eyes (despite those being the dominant traits and being half Italian).
- I’ve seen lightning strike right in front of me three times.
- I’ve lived through a tornado passing through my town.
- I played four instruments in school, clarinet for the longest.
- I changed my major three times in college, but still managed to graduate in four years and with good enough grades to get a scholarship to grad school.
My nominations for the Very Inspiring Blog Award – I chose the following blogs for various reasons, but each because of how it touches me. Some help me in my profession, some simply touch my soul.
- Sisterhood of the Traveling Pen
- The Red Kimono
- Five Reflections (prefers not to accept awards, but I find the site inspiring, nonetheless)
- Janna Hill
- InkWell
- My Perfect Pitch
- Jan Morrill
- Bottomline English
- Velda Brotherton
- Joy Keeney
- Pamela Foster
- Truths by Ruth
- Italian American Writer’s Cafe
- Claire Croxton
- A Writer’s Universe