I follow a lot of writers’ blogs looking for advice and inspiration. I correspond with quite a few of them, too. I’ve found that there are some writers out there who are genuinely interested in helping others improve their craft. Jeff Goins is one of them. Most recently I responded to a post by Jeff on his blog (http://tribewriters.com) about what platforms are and how to build them. I’ll give you an excerpt from my email to him:

cornfield photo by Peter Griffin
If I build it, will they come?

“I’m tribe-less, Jeff. I’ve created my platform, but I think James Earl Jones was wrong. You can build it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll come.”

Jeff didn’t pull any punches. Here’s an excerpt from his reply:

“You’re right. You need more than a cornfield in Iowa.”

Jeff claims that none of us is tribe-less. It’s simply a matter of finding our tribe and then having the courage to lead them. That’s a two-fold process, isn’t it?

I’m working on finding my tribe. That’s what I’m building here. Nick Thacker (http://livehacked.com) calls this my home base. That’s a good analogy. I’d like people to be comfortable here, touch base and branch off to other tabs then come back again to this one. But honestly, I don’t care what the terminology is. Call my viewers a tribe, call my page a home base. Call me an alien and my blog my home planet. It doesn’t much matter to me as long as certain core principles are met. Are we connecting? Are we exchanging ideas? Are you learning from me? I used to be an English professor; I think I have some wisdom to impart. I just need to reach people (or my tribe) and connect with them.

The second thing I need to do is lead. I can do that. I did that when I taught, I can do it again. But it was so much easier then. I had the benefit of eye contact with which to build a rapport with my students. And, frankly, I started in a position of authority. The college told the students I was the subject matter expert, and in that room, I was. On the Internet, I’m competing with millions if not billions of other people for attention. Why would anyone listen to my voice?

Because no one sounds quite like me.

I can’t promise you that I have all the answers. I can’t promise I even know all the questions. I’ve learned a lot. I learn more every day, and I’m happy to share it with all of you. It’s going to be fun working on all of this together. Your challenge today: update your home base. Reach out to your tribe. You’re already on the Internet. Go on… talk to them. They’re waiting for you.

Maybe James Earl Jones wasn’t wrong, after all.

photo credit: Peter Griffin

<a href=”http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/view-image.php?image=3673&picture=cornfield”>Cornfield</a> by Peter Griffin

6 Replies to “What do Cornfields Have to do with Blogging?”

  1. avatar

    I’m a fan of Jeff Goins too, and WANA methods. Keep putting yourself out there. They will come. 🙂

    1. avatar

      Thanks for the encouragement! Jeff’s been really helpful, and Kristen actually featured a question I asked on her blog this past week. I’ve been making friends on her WANA site… writers can be a really great bunch of people to network with. I hope I can continue to expand my blog and reach people like Jeff and Kristen do. Please stop back and comment anytime.

  2. avatar

    I’m glad to see I’ve motivated someone to take action, and I’m glad to have made a long distance friend in my old stomping grounds. Go get ’em!

  3. avatar

    Great minds, maybe? I’ve been thinking along the same lines and today is the day I begin. You’ve always been a great supporter and commenter on my blog, which I appreciate. Lead away and so will I.

  4. avatar

    Great post Chief. That is what I’m supposed to call you? Right? All kidding aside I’m glad to be part of your tribe. I feel that perhaps this might be why we all ended up in the not so wonderful writing class together earlier this year. We were supposed to meet and become a “tribe”. I’ve learned a LOT from you and Rhonda over the course of the past several months. I feel my writing is getting better (heck I’m writing 4 line short short stories…Westerns even!!) and I’m not feeling as lost and alone in this crazy process. I’ve even started the dreaded platform building….Facebook author page, Pintrest(kinda) and blogging more often …I’m even hosting a Blog Tour for someone I met while blogging. You’re an excellent Chief, editor, supporter and most of all friend. See ya tomorrow for our weekly Pow Wow.

    1. avatar

      As always, you honor and humble me. And four sentence westerns… who would have thought!