adventThis is the last week of the Advent Season. That means we light the last candle. We now have one rose and three purple candles lit; the circle is complete. Four candles representing the four thousand years from Adam and Eve to the birth of the Savior are all illuminated, and Christmas is almost upon us. We will be completing our last week of preparations.

The last candle we light is the Angel’s Candle, and it represents Peace.

As a matter of faith, I can think of no time of year more suited to peace than the Christmas season.

As a romance writer, Christmas is a wonderful time of year to incorporate peaceful elements into my writing.

Think about:

  • Soft music and candlelight
  • Softly falling snowflakes
  • Wine by the fire
  • Snuggling under a blanket
  • Soaking in a hot tub or bubble bath

What are you doing in this hectic season to add a little peace to your life? Why dont you share your secrets with us?

Christmas is just a few days away. For those of you who celebrate, have a very Merry Christmas. And for those of you who celebrating something else, I wish you the Happiest of Holidays. The rest of you are wished the most joyous of winter memories as this year draws to a close. I will be spending time with family and won’t be posting again until January. Until then, friends, be safe, and I’ll see you in the new year!

4 Replies to “Countdown to Christmas: Peace”

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    Reblogged this on Lost in The World Map.

    1. avatar

      Thank you for the support, Aimi, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. avatar

    Staci, I have enjoyed your posts throughout the year. I am very blessed this Christmas season to have my family to share it with. Unfortunately, our Navy daughter had to work and cannot share this joyous season with us in person, but she will be with us in spirit. We miss having her home to share our celebration, as do most service member families at this time of year. We pray for the safety of all service members and wish them a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday as they are away from their families.

    I do not view Christmas as stressful, but rather peaceful, especially since others seem to be a little nicer, happier and friendler. May everyone have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday.

    1. avatar

      I’m with you, Michele. I feel for our military and their families who are apart–all through the year given what they sacrifice for our safety, but especially during the holidays when we really seem to crave the company of family. Despite your daughter’s absence this year, I wish for you and your family a happy and blessed holiday.