Where has Staci been?

Superman_3D-Logo-WallpaperI know that’s what you’ve been asking. It’s been a while. Despite my children believing I can be all things to all people, move mountains, and be in three places at once—all while holding down a job and maintaining a structured writing schedule—I am not Superwoman. My kryptonite is technology. My computer keeps getting infected with malware—and yes, I do have anti-virus software installed—my modem and router recently broke, and I’m firmly convinced that I have some kind of magnetic field that makes all technology fritz when I touch it. Hey, that’s a real thing. (I think.) Sigh. Obstacles.

Anyway, that’s why I haven’t been around. That, and a few family issues that needed tending.

But I’m back now. Ish. The tech still isn’t perfect, but I’m trying to work around it.

That said, I have a few announcements.

  1. Posts may be infrequent for a while. Please bear with me.
  2. Bleeding Heart was supposed to come out in May, but with my computer down, edits didn’t happen on schedule. The release date has been pushed to June. I’ll keep you apprised.
  3. Ernest_Hemingway_1950_crop (1)Today is supposed to be #FFFF (First Friday Fiction Feature). As you might have guessed by now, I’m way behind schedule. (I don’t even want to tell you how many unread emails I have right now.) That said, instead of a free short story, I’m going to post a piece smaller than flash fiction. Smaller than micro fiction. Maybe I’ll coin a phrase for it and call it nano fiction. Oh, wait. That sounds like NaNoWriMo-type writing. Eh, I’ll work on a name. In the meantime, I’ll draw my inspiration from Hemingway’s challenge and write a story similar to his shortest work, although, let’s be real. I’m no Hemingway, and I write l-o-n-g. (FYI, it might interest you to note that there is no substantiated evidence that Hemingway actually wrote this, nor is there proof that he wrote short-short fiction at all.) Anyway, here is the famous “Hemingway” story:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

So today, my #FFFF will be uber-short. (Maybe that’s a good name?) Anyway, without further ado, my uber-short First Friday Fiction Feature:

The headline read, “Aliens Invade.” No one lived to read the article.

Yep, mine was twice as long. But it’s still probably the shortest thing I ever wrote.

Hope you enjoyed this “story.” Why don’t you try your hand at it? See if you can beat my word count. Or Hemingway’s. Leave your uber-short in the comments below.

7 Replies to “Overcoming Obstacles”

  1. avatar

    I used to be able to find good advice from your articles.|

  2. avatar

    Hey Staci Im in a bit of a rut when it comes to catching up as well. I enjoyed your short piece. I think its harder than coming up with a longer one. Hope the techno stuff works itself out.

  3. avatar

    I was thinking of you today (among many days) and wishing we could get together. We need to do lunch soon.

  4. avatar

    We all know, life happens. You are no exception. Loved the shortest story you ever wrote. Maybe you can use “Micro-Fiction”. Just a thought.
    Her router died. She couldn’t complete her online tasks. My short story for you.

    1. avatar

      LOL. You wrote NONfiction about my life. Love it, Michele.

  5. avatar

    Now maybe that’s what I should have done this week. (I didn’t get my FFFF story completed.) Maybe next Friday…

    You know I’ve missed you, but understand why you haven’t been around. And it’s okay not to post each week. Just read a post by fellow Tribe Writer James Prescott where he talked about that very thing.

    Blessings my friend!

    1. avatar

      I always look forward to your stories, Joan. Short, long. Late, on time. Maybe we both need to give ourselves permission to miss a few things now and then. (And I’ve missed you, too. Hopefully I’ll be back in the groove soon.)