realityA shout-out and thank you to Janna Hill, blogger extraordinaire at, for this nomination. It took me a while to post this because I’ve been practicing my acceptance speech. Then I realized I don’t actually get to give one. I just have to answer the questions below. So really, I wasted your time. Twice now, once while I wrote a beautiful and heart-wrenching speech, and once while you read this paragraph. So, without further ado, I give you my answers:

If you could change one thing what would you change?

My husband’s mind when we argue.

If you could repeat an age, what would it be?

The Age of Aquarius was pretty cool, if you’ve ever watched Hair. Seriously, I have my husband, my kids, my dogs… I’m pretty happy.

What one thing really scares you?


What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you’ll be able to complete it?

I’d love to out-sell J. K. Rowling, but I think that’s why it’s called a dream.

If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be?

I wouldn’t want to be someone else. I know what a mess my thoughts can be; I’d hate to see what kind of mess I’d stumble into in someone else’s.

So, the rules state I should choose up to twenty bloggers. Up to? Craziness. Do you know how many blogs there are out there? What topics they cover? How often they post? Insanity. Instead, I chose just a smattering of blogs that have touched me in a special way over the last year. I hope you check them out, and check out Janna Hill’s, too. In no particular order, here they are:

Joy Keeney @

P. C. Zick @

Candace Knoebel @

Doug Oldfield @

Jooseph Anthony @

Here are the rest of the rules. Nominees:

  • Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back to them
  • Answer the 5 questions presented
  • Nominate up to 20 blogs for the award and notify them on their blogs
  • Copy and paste the award (found above, or in my sidebar) on your blog somewhere

That’s it. Enjoy your award, winners, and the rest of you, please visit my nominees.

9 Replies to “Reality Blogger Award”

  1. avatar

    Congratulations to you on a well-deserved award. I’m honored to be chosen by you and to be in the company of some great bloggers. What? No acceptance speech. Drat. (And a side note: what about those Pens?!)

    1. avatar

      Thank you, and your nomination was certainly merited. Alas, my speech is not to be! But fear not… someday I shall win something (a Pulitzer, for certain) and I will reopen the file and resurrect the words I toiled over. (You aren’t holding your breath, are you?)

      Ah, the Penguins… Stupid DIRECTV and their stupid Center Ice package didn’t run the Pens game because Stupid NBC carried the game, and stupid Arkansas carried the stupid Blackhawks game, so I couldn’t watch it on any station. But! I was not to be stopped in my quest! The kids had a tennis lesson (I planned on recording the game) so I simply donned my Letang jersey and sat in the car for two hours listening to the XM coverage. It wasn’t quite the same, but I got to hear two of the three goals (I love me some James Neal) and celebrated their victory at an all-you-can eat sushi bar. I know, not quite a Pittsburgh celebration, but I’m in Arkansas! We don’t have a Primanti Brothers. And did you hear that the Pens are favored to win the cup? Yeeesss!

      1. avatar

        They certainly look like they could be contenders this year. They are very tight – both on Saturday and last night. It’s great to have some Pittsburgh sports going on.

    2. avatar

      It is nice to have Pittsburgh sports again, isn’t it. Football playoffs just weren’t right without the Steelers in them. I don’t think I’m even going to watch the Super Bowl. 🙁 Maybe there will be a Pens game on…

  2. avatar

    Congratulations and all the best for 2013.

    1. avatar

      Thanks. Happy New Year to you, too.

  3. avatar

    I’m giggling over your acceptance speech conundrum. Thanks for entertaining us.

    1. avatar

      And it was such a good speech, too. Shame no one will ever hear it. 🙁